Donna Albrecht
Associate Professor School of Education, Indiana University Southeast; Director of New Neighbors Center
- dalbrec@ius.edu
- (812) 941-2594
Associate Professor School of Education, Indiana University Southeast; Director of New Neighbors Center
Assistant Professor, Sociology
Assistant Professor, International Studies
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Chancellor's Professor Emeritus, School of Education
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Distinguished Professor, School of Public and Environmental Affairs
Ameritech Chair, Economic Development
Director, Institute for Development Strategies
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Assistant Professor, School of Global and International Studies
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Professor, School of Education
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Assistant Professor, International Studies
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Research Interests
international political economy; multinational firms as global political actors; international financial liberalization, crises, and the politics of adjustment
Assistant Professor, International Studies
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Dean Emeritus, SPEA
Ameritech Professor Emeritus
SPEA and Business Professor Emeritus
Affiliate, Study for Global Change
Associate Professor, International Studies
Research Interests
International Organizations; International Law; Global Governance
Associate Professor, English
Associate Professor, International Studies
Adjunct Faculty, American Studies
Adjunct Faculty, Comparative Literature
Adjunct Faculty, Cultural Studies
Adjunct Faculty, History
Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies
Affiliate Faculty, Study of Global Change
Associate Professor, Anthropology
Affiliate Faculty, African Studies
Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies
Affiliate Faculty, Study of Global Change
Research Interests
circulation and value; material and visual culture; photography; gender and Islam
Director of Campus Partnerships, IU Center for Rural Engagement
Lou and Sybil Mervis Professor of Jewish Culture
Associate Professor of Jewish Studies
Associate Professor of Musicology
Affiliate, Study for Global Change
Professor, Spanish and Portuguese
Adjunct Professor of Comparative Literature
Adjunct Professor of English
Adjunct Professor, Center for Research on Race and Ethnicity in Society
Affiliate, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS)
Affiliate, Latino Studies
Affiliate, Center for Research on Race and Ethnicity in Society
Affiliate, Study for Global Change
Associate Professor, School of Education
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Associate Professor, Media School
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Associate Professor, History
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Associate Professor, Labor Studies
Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies
Affiliate Faculty, Study for Global Change
Professor, Geography
Affiliate, Study for Global Change
Professor of Informatics
Affliate, Study of Global Change
Ekbia’s research examines drones and military technology, Iran, the political economy of computing, social informatics, and artificial intelligence.
Senior Lecturer
Director, Center for Innovative Merchandising
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Research Interests
Sustainability, fair trade, product development, leadership
Associate Professor, Media School
Director Center for International Media Law and Policy Studies
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Founder and President/CEO, Living Earth Television, NFP
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Associate Professor, American Studies
Associate Professor, Gender Studies
Adjunct Associate Professor, Anthropology
Adjunct Associate Professor, Cultural Studies
Adjunct Associate Professor, History
Affiliate Faculty, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Affiliate Faculty, Center for the Study of Global Change
Affiliate Faculty, International Studies
Affiliate Faculty, Latino Studies
Research Interests
intersection of cultural studies theories of power, subjectivity, and ideology with questions of political economy
Clinical Professor, International Business, Kelley School of Business
Young-Jin Kim Distinguished Clinical Professor, Kelley School of Business
Affilate, Study of Global Change
Independent Scholar in International and Intercultural Education
My research explores the intersection of global education policies and local pedagogical practices, particularly in the context of democratization and social change. Specific areas of research and teaching expertise include: global education policy; peace, human rights, and global citizenship education; global competency; intercultural learning and development; culturally responsive teaching; and educational change in post-communist countries, particularly Albania.
Associate Professor, Anthropology
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Ilana Gershon is interested in how new media affects highly charged social tasks, such as breaking up or hiring in the United States.
Clinical Assistant Professor, Applied Health Science, School of Public Health
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Associate Professor, International Studies
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
After completing her doctoral studies in Russian history at the University of Melbourne, Australia, Emma Gilligan was a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of History at the University of Chicago from 2003-2006.
Interim Chair, Department of History
Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies
Research Interests
19th century, 20th century, African History, Middle Eastern History, African Diaspora History, Cultural History, Religion and Society
Professor, Political Science
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Timothy Hellwig is Professor of Political Science at Indiana University.
Adjunct Instructor
Mission Advocate, U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security/Arc Aspicio, LLC
Senior Lecturer, Spanish and Portuguese
Outreach Coordinator and Faculty Advisor
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Director, Global Arts Local Arts Culture Technology International Citizenship (GALACTIC)
Affiliate, Center for the Study of the Middle East
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Director, Center for the Study of the Middle East
Professor of Practice, Maurer School of Law
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
CAEP Coordinator and Clinical Assistant Professor, Division of Education Indiana University-Purdue University Columbus; Affiliate Faculty, Study of Global Change
Associate Vice Chancellor for International Affairs, IUPUI
Associate Vice President for International Affairs, Indiana University
Visiting Assistant Professor, Geography
Professor, International Studies
Adjunct Faculty, Criminal Justice
Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies
Affiliate Faculty, Study of Global Change
Stephanie Kane, previously an Associate Professor of Criminal Justice and Gender Studies, received her Ph.D. in social and cultural anthropology and her Masters in zoology from the University of Texas at Austin. She’s a trained ethnographer and ecologist with a broad interdisciplinary interest in cultural studies.
Clinical Professor, School of Public Health
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Adjunct Professor, International Studies
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Coordinator, Center for Language Technology Center for Language Excellence
Senior Lecturer, International Studies
Affliate, Study of Global Change
Professor, International Comparative Education, School of Education
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Professor, Department of History
Adjunct Professor, Department of American Studies
Editor, American Historical Review
Director, Global Living-Learning Center
Affliate, Study of Global Change
Alex Lichtenstein
Assistant Professor, International Studies
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Associate Professor, History
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Associate Professor, Art Education, School of Education
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Associate Professor, Sociology
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Professor, Curriculum Studies in Early Childhood Education, School of Education
Associate Chair, Department of Curriculum & Instruction
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Professor of Practice, International Studies
Affliate, Study of Global Change
Minton is the former president of The Korea Society in New York, former U.S. ambassador to Mongolia and a diplomat for more than 30 years.
Clinical Assistant Professor, School of Public and Environmental Affairs
Associate Professor, Literacy, Culture, and Language Education, School of Education
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Research Interests
sociocultural approaches to strategies-based language learning; models for professional teacher development and teacher resistance to change; family language maintenance in the diaspora
Associate Dean, Research and Faculty Affairs, Maurer School of Law
Professor of Law
Charles L. Whistler Faculty Fellow
Director, Indiana University Mexico Gateway
Affliate, Study of Global Change
Assistant Professor, International Studies
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Professor, Journalism
Herman B. Wells Endowed Professor, Media
Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies
Affiliate Faculty, Study of Global Change
Research Interests
gender and media; cultural studies; south Asia; qualitative research
Professor, Literacy, Culture, and Language Education (ESL/EFL Teacher Education)
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Assistant Professor, Department of Media, Journalism & Film, Miami University
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Assistant Professor, Recreation, Park, and Tourism Studies, School of Public Health
Recreational Therapy Graduate Program Coordinator, School of Public Health
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Assistant Professor, International Studies
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Pinaud is an expert on South Sudan and Africa. Her research concerns the history of the relationship between women, civilians at large, and the armed groups in South Sudan’s second and third civil wars. It explores wartime processes of social class formation.
Assistant Dean for Curricular and Undergraduate Affairs; Diversity Officer; Director, International Law and Institutions Program; and Professor, International Law & Practice
Affliate, Study of Global Change
Associate Professor, Folklore and Ethnomusicology
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Africa; music and religion; mask performance; ritual; identity; popular music; immigration; transnationalism; diaspora; music and health
Professor of Practice, Anthropology
Co-director, Graduate Certificate on College Pedagogy
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Topical Interests: Food and the natural environment in expressive and popular culture,Intersections of community and identity in education,Scholarship of teaching and learning,Pedagogy
Associate Professor, History
Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies
Research Interests
modern Europe and Germany; women and gender; sexuality; social; political, and cultural history; propaganda
Associate Professor, Literacy, Culture and Language Education, School of Education
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Associate Director, National African Language Resource Center
Associate Professor, Biology
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Research Interests
Professor, American Studies
Professor, History
Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies
Affiliate Faculty, Study of Global Change
Professor, Sociology and Anthropology, IU South Bend
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Assistant Professor, Business Law and Ethics, Kelley School of Business
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Associate Professor, Near Eastern Languages and Cultures
Associate Professor, Political Science
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Research Interests
civil wars; ethnic strife and other conflicts Muslims in western politics; political Islam; minority representation; attitudes towards minorities and immigration
Assistant Professor, International Studies
Adjunct Professor, Political Science
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Associate Professor, Anthropology
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Topical Interests: Contemporary Japan, African Diaspora, Race, Social Identity, Afro-Asia, Performance Studies, Transnationalism, Human Rights
Emeritus Faculty IU Kokomo School of Nursing
Professor of Law, Mauer School of Law
Associate Director, Center for Constitutional Democracy
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Emereti Distinguished Professor, Anthropology
Research Interests
economics; applied and cultural anthropology
Teacher Associate, Winamac Community High School
Affiliate, Study of Global Change