Global Learning Outcomes

Creating global competency

Indiana University and the Hamilton Lugar School (HLS) seek above all to prepare graduates who are globally ready, able to keep with the constantly changing pace and demands of a world where boundaries between nations, regions, cultures, and peoples are fluid and shifting.

To that end, in 2008, with the support of the Center for the Study of Global Change, a university-wide Global Learning Faculty Community, comprised of faculty representing twelve disciplines and five schools, established a set of global learning outcomes. It was the first step in IU’s ongoing effort to internationalize its curricula. Four years later, the Global Center revised these outcomes, with help from faculty of the Internationalization Collaborative Across Bloomington initiative and the Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning.

Today, as schools, departments, and faculty develop courses, construct syllabi, and design content and assignments, they have a carefully considered list of outcomes to guide them. It goes without saying that the outcomes will change as the world continue to change.

Global learning outcomes

IU seeks to prepare globally competent students in the following areas.

Knowledge + Skills

Students have the ability to:

  • Effectively communicate across cultures
  • Contextualize and analyze complex connections among local and global phenomena
  • Apply an interdisciplinary and international body of theory, resources, and methods
  • Communicate in at least two languages
  • Make choices and design solutions informed by multiple frames of reference, including international, global, and cultural contexts.
  • Recognize themselves and their culture through the perception of others
  • Apply deep and contextualized knowledge of at least one culture, nation, and/or region beyond the U.S.
  • Critically analyze the history and diversity of the U.S. and its role in the world
  • Recognize how professions are defined and practiced in international and cultural contexts

Students can demonstrate:

  • Openness, recognition, and acceptance of differences
  • Humility and willingness to adapt their own practices, values, and behaviors