Larry A. Braskamp
Keynote Presenter
Larry A. Braskamp is a Senior Fellow at the American Association of Colleges and Universities, Senior Scientist at The Gallup Organization, and a member of the Board of Trustees at Elmhurst College. He was a faculty member at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and held administrative positions as a Dean of Applied Life Studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Dean of Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He served as the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs at Loyola University Chicago. He is a coauthor of numerous articles and several books, including Putting Students First: How Colleges Develop Students Purposefully and the survey instrument, Global Perspective Inventory. Currently he is President of the Global Perspective Institute and has collaborated with the American Association of Colleges and Universities on a project, "Civic learning and democratic engagement," funded by the Department of Education.