by Elisheva Cohen, Teresa Nichols, and Elizabeth Konwest
In 2020, the Global Center staff led several courses to engage students with pressing global issues, enable them to take action, and explore a variety of global careers.
In the spring of 2020, Dr. Elisheva Cohen taught “Refugees and Displaced People” in the International Studies Department. This course raised big questions about the policies, practices, and experiences related to forced migration around the world. Students learned about the historical background of forced migration and the theoretical underpinnings of the related academic field, examined the humanitarian responses to situations of forced displacement, and considered the multiple and varied experiences of refugees across a range of geographic and cultural contexts. Through the course, students critically analyzed the institutions, policies, and discourses related to refugees and forced migrants identified both positive and problematic aspects of the underlying intentions. Through the course, students conducted independent research on their choice of refugee contexts and developed creative final projects that included fictional short stories and journal entries, paintings, and listicles. You can see some of their projects here.