Together Again at the Institute for Curriculum and Campus Internationalization
By Taurean Webb and Eli Konwest

Dr. Hilary Kahn, co-founder of ICCI and Associate Vice Chancellor for International Affairs at IU Indianapolis, leading an ICCI workshop.
The Global Center was pleased to host its 2022 Institute for Curriculum and Campus Internationalization from May 22-25, 2022. We were thrilled to begin new partnerships, immerse participants in several global cultures, and equip participants/campus leaders with tools to internationalize their home institutions more robustly. Partners joined us from institutions such as: the University of Indianapolis, Fort Valley State University, Ivy Tech Community College, Moraine Valley Community College, Navajo Technical University, Diné College, Indiana University, and more!
ICCI Showcase Event when various HLS centers introduced their work to our participants for potential future collaborations
Also, in 2022, the Global Center took the opportunity to conduct surveys from both 2022 ICCI participants and past participants from ICCIs 2011-2021! 90% of 2022 respondents reported that ICCI met their expectations and would recommend it to colleagues! Other shared responses celebrated that “facilitators were very strong and skilled” and that “the hands-on approach to the tracks was very useful.” We look forward to hosting ICCI 2023: May 21-24, 2023, at Indiana University-Bloomington.