Supporting Student Success and Opportunity at IU

IU students and faculty attending the Diplomacy Lab Fair have the opportunity to network with IU alumni at the IU Advancement Center in Washington, DC.
The Center for the Study of Global Change (Global Center) was proud to support student success and opportunity across Indiana University through its focus on global learning at home initiatives. Since joining IU Global, one of the initiatives that we administer is Diplomacy Lab, a public-private partnership that enables the U.S. Department of State to "course-source" research and innovation related to global policy challenges by harnessing the efforts of students and faculty experts. Partnering with faculty lead, Michael Hamburger in Earth and Atmospheric, we assisted pairing six projects to IU courses and co-curricular programs in 2024. You can read more about recent Diplomacy Lab projects here and here. 2024 also saw the return of the much-loved Diplomacy Lab Fair hosted by the State Department in Washington, DC. Three student teams accompanied Global Center Director Eli Konwest, Prof. Hamburger, and Prof. Justyna Zając of the Hamilton Lugar School to present their projects to officials in the State Department. Students also had the opportunity to network with IU alumni and visit Washington DC landmarks. You can view videos of student testimonials here. Undergraduate Lee Andrews won the Provost’s Award for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity with work he had started in his Diplomacy Lab course.

A student team from Indiana University Bloomington presents their Diplomacy Lab research to U.S. Department of State officials and peers from other universities.
The Global Center supported faculty development of more global courses through CLIP (Client-based International Projects). This newly launched program offers instructors the opportunity to add a global component to a client-based project integrated into courses with the support of resources and expertise from IU Global. In 2024, ten interdisciplinary faculty integrated projects into their courses. A student from a CLIP course in the spring said, “getting to use real world data rather than made up things gave me a better idea of how course materials can be used in my future career.” Read more here on how senior lecturer Miyoung Hong incorporated a CLIP project into her Interior Design course.

Elisheva Cohen and Eli Konwest introduce the IUB Global Learning Framework as part of IU Global’s Global Connections brownbag series.
The Global Center also oversaw several other global learning at home initiatives including launching the Global Learning at IU Bloomington Framework. Authored by an interdisciplinary committee from across IUB, the new Framework emphasizes IU’s existing strengths in global learning and offers a path forward for integration of the goals into courses and programs. Global Center staff also organized three sessions for IU faculty and staff as part of IU Global's “Global Connections” series. With our very own IU United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Ambassador, Gie Wilson, the Global Center administers the SDG Programming Grant. The IU Environmental Resilience Institute received one for their IU Bloomington Sustainability Symposium held in April.